Monday, March 4, 2013

Project Life weeks 3&4...

Here's my weeks 3 and 4 for Project Life.

Week 3 was school holiday time so there was a LOT going on in our week. We had lots of beautiful sunny weather too. The kids had a few nights at my parents, where they loved swimming and going to the beach; and Greg and I had our first date night since Kai was born - but he came too.

I changed the 'Week in Review/Title' card a little this week, and this is how it will stay. I like the horizontal way best. I also changed it to numerical '3' because I won't be able to fit in 'week thirty-seven' when the numbers get bigger later in the year! Oops!

Used a little of the Turquoise (or was it Cobalt?) extras kit that was free (somewhere!?) for some elements for these pages. (Oh and whoops, that card below is coming out of the pocket...)

I have started using a couple of templates to make photo collages lately. It's a great way to fit more photos into one space. My favourite is this one below by Paislee Press. I just add a title up the top and some journalling down the bottom. One of these collages seems to be appearing in most weeks!

Still loving the Ali Edwards brushes and this is a fairly standard for all my photos how - a little date and a 'days of the week' brush...

For this one I just cropped my pics into a square and worked out what size they needed to be to fit 6 into a 4x6 space. I can't remember what that number is though, so I'll have to go back and check next time I want to make one. I think there are probably commercial templates for this too. 

WEEK FOUR was a little 'baby-heavy', as he started on solids which was kinda exciting! I also documented our (albeit very wet) Australia Day brunch with some friends. Pretty ordinary week, but some will definitely be more interesting than others!

There's that awesome Paislee Press template - I did say I use it almost every week now (as you'll see in coming posts too!)

I have one more week to share, and then a few to catch up on. But that's all for now.

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